Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A Letter...and a bit of new perspective

I promise I wont keep posting about the election. This is just too important to allow it to pass by. By now, if you've read my ramblings at all, you know that I am a big fan of Iraq the Model blogspot. Written by three brothers... Mohammed,Omar and provides a different perspective of Iraq. Go it...learn...and understand.
I came across their site one day quite by accident. I am an addicted internet surfer. I love to read and the internet provides me with all kinds of interesting and diverse topics to indulge in. I have told my kids that reading material is like food to me. Reading newspapers or magazines are like fast food...sometimes, necessary, sometimes good, all the time a quick fix. Reading a long and massive novel, is like a seven course meal at a five star takes a long time, is made to be savored, and most times is an enjoyable and memorable event. Internet reading for me has become like a home cooked meal...can be a quick thrown together repast, or a slow cooked feast, either way, is usually satisfying and fulfilling. And I more often than not come away feeling like I fed my brain and learned something new. So one day on my internet reading journey, I was delighted to find
It became more than just the usual internet reading fare for me though. It moved into the category of fine dining. After reading the first and latest post, I went back to the beginning and read it all. It took me awhile, days and days in fact.
I savored it, I digested the information, I embraced the new perspective and the knowledge and understanding I gained. And I stepped into new territory of a new cultural taste experience. It was addicting. Its now become home cooking as I have added it to my daily sustenance of reading. Today I went to see what the brothers had to say about Fallujah and what is now happening in their country. They didnt disappoint. Their sharing of the events and emotions and the hopes and dreams that they have are inspiring. Today I found this letter to our re-elected president.

In the name of God,
Sir, President George W Bush, President of the United States of America.
On behalf of the families of the victims of the mass graves, on behalf of the martyrs of “Halabja” and “Anfal” and on behalf of all the Iraqis that you liberated from dictatorship and oppression; we have prayed for you and now we want to send you our congratulations on being reelected as a president of the United States.
Mr. President, we’d love to congratulate you and the people of the United States on the beginning of a new phase of democracy, freedom and prosperity and we wish you and the American people the best, as they have led the liberation of Iraq and sacrificed their sons and daughters for the freedom of the Iraqis; the historical achievement that the United States has accomplished together with the other liberating countries.
The United States and the coalition, among all other nations were the ones who recognized the suffering of the Iraqi people and saved them from a regime that was more lethal and more destructive than any weapons of mass destruction. A regime that murdered, slaughtered and enslaved Iraqis for long, dark decades, denied them their freedom and their right to live a decent life until God inspired you and helped you to rescue us, liberate our country and put us on the road of freedom and democracy.
Mr. President, we-the Iraqis-are on your side and we’ll keep supporting and blessing your efforts in eradicating terrorism inside and outside Iraq and all those who carried weapons against the liberating coalition forces and the new Iraqi police, hunting down the criminals who murder innocent civilians, whether Iraqi or American civilians.
We-the Iraqis- are determined to establish democracy and freedom in our country starting with general elections that exclude no one whether inside or outside Iraq. These elections would lead us to a democratic Iraq and we wish that you could help focusing on the role of the Iraqis outside Iraq and make use of their qualifications in the reconstruction process.
We also want to emphasize the necessity of establishing an international legislation that incriminates the Ba’athists, terrorists, fanatic salafis and all the parties, and governments that support them, not forgetting the media that promote the ideology of killing and terrorism.
These parties ought to be confronted and fought to achieve peace and stability in Iraq, America and the rest of the world.
We’re also determined to establish a strategic, permanent relationship with our friends; the government and people of the United States to whom we hold the utmost feelings of gratitude, love and friendship for what they have given us and what they’re still offering.
We will be united on the road of freedom and peace and we will always be supportive to all the efforts of America in bringing peace to the region.
In the end, we ask God to guide you and bless all your efforts to do the best for humanity as a whole.

All the glory to the American and Iraqi martyrs
long live America. Long live Iraq, free and allied nations.

Your brothers in the “Iraqi Parliament” voice chat room and in “Sawt Al Iraq” website.

All I can add is wow! thank you!
Once again, there is good just have to know where to look...go feast...
Thank you Mohammed, Omar and Ali. Thank you from this knowledge hungry person, who is humbled by your experiences.
God bless you and the people of Iraq...and may God bless us all.
(if you want to see the original letter in arabic...
its impressive just to see.)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

In the hands of the future...

This felt like a very long campaign. Perhaps it felt longer to me, because it is the first (I shamefully admit) campaign for president that I invested so much of myself.
Having sons in the military, brought home the importance of who their future Commander In Chief would be. But more than that, I changed after 911, as so many of us did. Our safety here at home was shaken. I remember clearly during that time feeling so humbled by the outpouring of support from around the world. Much of it was coming from people who experienced terrorism more than once. I remember thinking, how ashamed I felt that I never really reacted with support for them as they were for us. I looked at them with awe and felt little by the largess of their compassion. That was my defining moment. I pledged to myself that I wouldnt turn a blind eye, or shrug with the subconscious thinking of "whew least its not here".
I suppose thats why I also support Iraq so strongly. We cant flee from the horror and ugliness of the things we dont want to confront any longer. Its in our face now.
But I digress...
A lot has been written about the "youth vote". Many were buoyed by the potential of this age group coming out to vote and the effect it would bear upon the election. Many were counting on it. Many were pulling for it. And now that the election is over, many are writing about it and analyzing it. Ive read often how disappointed but not surprised some were when the "youth vote" didnt turn out in the numbers that were expected or more to the point desired. But that wasnt my experience.
I was first struck at the age of a lot of the volunteers that I encountered during this campaign. Some very young, some still in their teens, some in barely in their twenties...I was impressed at the knowledge of the issues that they possessed, the ease in which they could talk from their own minds and hearts. And the responsible nature in which they attacked the tasks before them. I thought back to my own days of their ages and had to smile. I wasnt even close to knowing myself, let alone what I truly believed in. I was impressed at their eagerness to be involved, to have their say, to fight for the man they believed in. I was also struck that for ones so young how conservative and unflighty they were (and dont take that in the electoral terms of conservative vs liberal). It made me proud to meet them, work by them, learn from them. I would sometimes pause to listen to them while they were making phone calls, or watch as they talked to a possible volunteer. It made me proud of them, their parents, the communities they grew up in, and proud to see what the future generation of America looked like. I watched at the polls the day of the election. The number of young people, voting for the first time, looking a bit nervous but happy and eager to be there. There was an energy around them. A feeling of watching them enter into a new chapter in their lives. A right of passage. I chuckled when as we stood side by side watching the returns come in, their ages began to show. They jiggled from foot to foot, nervously anticipating every number. They reached out for a hand to make them feel more secure, or just a touch to say its ok...we are doing great. They lived and breathed each moment, urging the process to be done. They care...deeply...and love this country very much.
Maybe it is because 911 robbed them of the invincibility and innocence of never having been attacked here at home. Maybe they dont have the choice but to confront the ugliness of terrorism in the world. And each time it happens, even over there, they feel it, know it, and have to acknowledge it and suffer it with those that the terror was aimed toward. Who knows, but one thing is for sure. Next time you read about how the youth didnt care enough...know this...many do and care with respect, and compassion, and insight far more advanced than I had at their age. I am grateful for the experience of meeting them. I will keep in touch with a few, they are in my heart now. And I look forward to watching our country grow even more under their watchful eye.
May God bless them and bless us all.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


God bless our president...
And God bless the USA!!!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

What does your future hold?

Its the day before the election, and although many of you can tell who I support by the tone of my blogs, I feel its time to venture off the beaten path for a day, and endorse my choice of candidate.
The most important issue facing any of us today is terrorism. And the world's stand on taking up the fight against it. Shortly after 911, President Bush stated that as a country you are either with us in this fight or you are against us. No middle ground. No excuses. No hedging.
He has stuck to this stand in spite of flagging polls, and despite the vitriole espoused toward him.
This to me is a leader. Terror is a real threat, look at the children in Russia, look at 911, LOOK at the attacks during the Clinton administration. Read my past blogs on this topic. We CANNOT wish it away or pretend it doesnt exist or have any consequences to our present lives. Its here and we have to deal with it. I have two sons in the military. Their well being and support depends heavily on who will be their Commander In Chief. Think of this...75% of the military support President Bush. The very men and women who are putting their lives on the line daily support and strongly support their CIC. Without this kind of commitment to their CIC, and a strong unwavering support of the soldiers from him, our military will be in trouble. Bush has never wavered in his support of my sons. Even my four year old granddaughter has picked up on this aspect just by watching the candidates on television. She has made up her mind. Bush is a hero to her daddy. Kerry doesnt like what Daddy is doing and is fighting against her Daddy. She came to me the other day, and wanted John Kerry's mother's phone number. This came out of the clear blue. I asked her why she wanted it. She very thoughtfully said, (you know how you can see when a child has been deep in thought about something), "I want to call her and tell her to put John Kerry in his room and make him think about why he is trying to ruin the world." Call me stunned. Her father was away from her , she hadnt seen him for six months, (hes a single father and she now lives with me) and because of his absence we are very careful not to talk politics in front of her. The only conclusion of her thought processes that I could come to is that shes been listening to the ads on television and has because of her Daddy picked up on the military aspects of this race. Out of the mouth of babes, clear, unadulterated logic.
If you have read this blog at all, I hope that you have arrived at the conclusion that the main stream media has done us all an injustice, not to mention the grave injustice that they have dealt to the Iraqi people. These are a wonderfully strong and resiliant spirit, who hold high hopes for their FREE futures. They too have dreams and hopes for their children. And because of George Bush the reality of these hopes and dreams have never been closer to coming true. Schools are functioning, girls are attending school for the first time , hospitals are being brought up to date, children have received and are now current with immunizations, they have clean water, electricity, can go to restaurants, have internet access, cars, better pay, and the very exciting upcoming election. For you naysayers who doubt the election will happen, I hate to burst your bubble. Elections are already happening . Town councils are being elected, local leaders are being voted into positions. And pride in their choices abound. The Iraqi people can now have something you and I take for granted. A VOICE. They now can have opinions and say them out loud without fearing reprisal. God bless them all. The Iraqi people themselves view the "insurgents" as foreigners, as people who dont belong there. THEY ARE TERRORIST!!!!
And these despicable excuses for human beings are afraid. Afraid that if Iraq succeeds they will be beaten. They are roaring ever louder, and we need to fight back even harder. Would you prefer we fought them here? Dont kid yourself if you are telling yourself it wouldnt have happened.
Afghanistan and Osama
Osama is quite the smart adversary. He has plenty of cover. It is my hope and prayer we will one day be able to parade him as a captured murderer. But we cannot and should not sit by and make him our one and only target. We are a great country capable of doing many things. We did go into Afghanistan and we did emerge triumphant. The Taliban was overthrown. For those of you that may not have heard...Afghanistan held their first election in their 5000 year history.
It was a peaceful and successful undertaking, done with much conviction and effort. This is major people. BIG.
Do you also realize that our special forces are out and in many areas of the world, quietly undermining terrrorists cells all over? Of course not, we dont hear about our victories. Do you know how many terrorists have been thwarted in this country? Of course not , again no media play. It is good news. The kind that made a blog like this necessary.
Little known to us, unless you read other than the MSM, there is now a growing uprising in Iran. The people there too want their freedom. This is a developing story and deserves attention.
Domestic policy
I benefited from the tax cuts. I also put the money I received right back into the economy. I bought a new car. (ok, the cut made a down payment and my last car was 11 years old and well...not long for this earth)
While I am on the topic of taxes, this one really bugs me. Kerry has often said that he would raise the taxes on the upper 1% of the rich...or is it 2% ? Not sure since Ive heard him say both.
I always found that interesting since the highest money makers of this fortunate strata, dont pay taxes to begin with. The people who can afford it most pay less of a percentage than I paid even with my tax cut. Teresa Heinz paid taxes on 2.5 million, and didnt pay ANY taxes on another 2.5 million last year. So Mr Kerry will you make your wife pay taxes on ALL her income? Didnt think so.
Health care
I admit this can be a problem in this country. But for all its flaws we still have the best in medical anywhere in the world. Go to Canada, go to England...where the healthcare is free. Ever hear the adage, you cant get something for nothing. I have heard awful stories from people who live there. I have heard them first hand, and often my response has been ...."if you lived here that wouldnt have happened." So be careful what you wish for. Personally, Ill keep what we have.
We do need some kind of tort reform so our pharmaceutical companies can make vaccines and medications without fearing the trial lawyers, so our doctors can practice medicine without second guessing, without being driven out by high costs of malpractice or at the very least passing that cost onto the patients. We need to do something so that the clinics that offer services to the very people who need it most can stay open and arent forced out of business because once again the liability is too high. People are afraid to volunteer services in case of a lawsuit. And dont tell me this isnt a problem. Go talk to doctors, clinics, nurses, researchers.
Which brings me to embryonic stem cell research. Point one....AT NO TIME DID BUSH EVER PLACE A BAN ON THIS RESEARCH. NEVER. He placed conditions on the federal funding of it. I for one am glad. I have a problem with people who yell about wearing animal fur, using animals for experimentation but have no problem CLONING....YES CLONING...human embryos, then destroying them in the name of experimentation. If that is the research you want to do, so be it.
But dont ask me to pay for it. You are insisting I put aside my religious and ethical beliefs on your behalf. Something tells me you wouldnt consider doing the same for me. Get your immensely wealthy friends and supporters to finance it.
Go do as little Alex did. She was only four when she got cancer. She didnt ask the government to give her the answer. She found it herself. She did it herself. She took the initiative and the effort.
If this small child can move such mountains, why arent you adults? If you spent half the time raising the funds for your concern as you do bemoaning and belittling the government, I would venture you would have your funding by now. Quite simply, put YOUR money where your mouth is.
Jobs and the economy
I have a very modest stock portfolio. Very modest. After 911, it took a nose dive. My earnings statements were a nightmare. I would take a deep breath and tell myself not to panic. I didnt.
They are now healthy once again. Thats my perspective. Do we need more work on jobs? Yes. and I happen to like Bush's ideas on making people more competitive, more enabled, more active in the changes of this world and the market place. I am not a believer in hand outs. Ive seen way too many times how this disables people and way too often have seen how the system of handouts keeps people needing more handouts. This is an offensive way of thinking. Help is one support is another. Together with some ambition and drive we all can be sitting in a home with the comforts weve come to take for granted.
One more thing...Ive watched closely the two men running to be my leader, and Ive watched their body language, their interactions, their reactions. And its quite clear to me who is confident in his own skin, and who deeply cares about people and not themselves.
There is no other choice in my mind....only one...and its clear.... and for that I am grateful.
George W Bush....a real man...for real in a real world.
God bless us all....and may God bless America.