Thursday, May 24, 2007

Memorial Weekend

As we pause to remember our fallen heroes from days past, I am hoping that we can also come
together this weekend and pause from our differences of opinion.
This is a weekend to remember and pay honor and respect to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in our behalf. All the wars...all the men and women who have served their country and us so proudly. We owe it to them.
Rarely do I watch any TV, but tonight I watched. I have been trying to keep busy and keep my mind focused on positives. It has been a hard thing to do today. My son, my wonderful smart, funny son was deployed yesterday. His wife is expecting their first child. But God bless them, they both are upbeat and strong in their convictions of what their mission is and what it means to them and us and the future of their child. I am in awe of their clarity and focus. This old dog has learned a valuable lesson just by watching the two of them. I am at once humbled and proud. So....tonight I was flipping through the channels looking for something to amuse me.
Of course when I heard that Greta Van Susteren say that we could help the troops without spending any money, I stopped channel flipping and listened.
She was discussing Operation Hero Miles.
In October of 2003, Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger started this organization aided by a number of US Airlines. Its a great concept and a wonderful way to help our troops and to support them and their families in a meaningful way.
This weekend beginning at 6AM Friday, May 25, 2007 and continuing until 11:59PM, Monday, May 28th, you can donate your frequent flyer miles to this organization and the 10 participating airlines will match your donation mile for mile.
This is a perfect weekend to reach out and help the men and women in our military. As we remember and honor those who given their lives for our country, let us take a moment to remember those that are still in battle. And maybe in some small way, bring them some joy.
For more information ...
God bless the valiant and brave that this weekend represents....God bless our military and their families....and whispers ...God bless you son.


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