Why do weekends go so fast?
That was the complaint of my son this morning as I woke him for school. The child is not a morning person, must take after me. hehe. But once he's had his shower and his breakfast, he turns back into that loving kid, who bounces out the door for the school bus with a kiss and a hug. I am very lucky as he usually yells, "I love you , mom" as the screen door slams his departure.
This morning made me count blessings. He goes to a very good school, has great friends, and as most of our children....he takes alot for granted. His back pack is heavy with the various books he totes back and forth to school. He might grumble a bit when they are first given the assignment to take them home and cover them. That was until the advent of "book socks". God bless the person who came up with them. In the beginning of the school year, armed with THE LIST, we go to the store to buy the various required notebooks, pens and paraphenalia. I always buy those big big packs of pens. But by October, he will be asking me for a pen to do his homework. Hard as I try to make him be more responsible, I have to admit that I am not much better at keeping track of pens. How lucky we are. Something so simple as a pen, we take for granted.
The Iraqi children are in need of pens. IraqiSchools.com is another grassroots effort. Theres that power of one again. Major Gregg Softy ( perfect name for one so generous) was stationed in Iraq. Quite simply, he sent an email home and asked everyone to forward it on. Then he trusted that people would respond. And respond they did. To date, 997,671 lbs of supplies have been shipped over to Iraq for the school children. Amazing....people are terrific! Thank to Maj. Softy and the many people who keep this going and have invested their time and efforts to bring about a better world that benefits all of us.
Now lets keep the momentum going...
To read about IraqiSchools.com please go to http://www.iraqischools.com/
(Snickers, well what did you expect the addy to be?) It's a wonderful story, and it made me smile. Theres a history of how it began, letters from Iraq, photos, and more. There are some great ideas proposed on the site. And the needed supply list is updated. This would be a great project for our children to be involved with, helping another one with school supplies. Then maybe just maybe, my son will appreciate those darn pens a little more.
Thanks and God bless us all.
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