Another grassroots effort....
The power in one. There is a great deal of power in one. When I graduated from high school, I used the quote, " A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." As you can tell, I love a good quote. There are simple truths in them. And in this case, one can touch a thousand lives by just taking that single step. Todays good news....
AdoptaPlatoon is a non profit soldier-supported grassroots effort. It all began in 1998 with one. Ida Haag. Her son had been deployed to Bosnia and in correspondence, related his concern about 9 members of his platoon that did not receive mail or packages. Ida soon began to send these fine young men cards and treats. But once again, as in most great stories, Ida didnt stop there. She found 9 other mothers who adopted these young soldiers. It had an immediate impact on the morale of the platoon. Soon Ida was recruiting other people to adopt other soldiers. AdoptaPlatoon was born.
Ida Haag, Fran Dobson, and Joyce Lisiewski now run the organization online from their homes. They enlist the help of volunteers, who match up soldiers with families, schools, and penpals. Emails, packages, and cards and letters are sent to the adopted soldier to let them see how much they are appreciated. What a great way to get a class involved in a constructive project. The light that these women shed on their corners of the world, extends for many many miles. Ida Haag, says it best on the website..."We have so many dedicated people reaching out to make a difference in the lives of our soldiers who are as passionate as I am about AdoptaPlatoon. The reward we receive is beyond words." Its people like Ida, and Fran and Joyce that make this a great nation. Their work and dedication touches thousands, and yet they talk about the rewards they receive. God bless you all and thank you. (On a personal note: I would like to thank a new friend for bringing AdoptaPlatoon to my attention. You did good, thanks.)
In this time of war, its not about the politics. Its about the people who are serving our country. Its about bringing to them a piece of home and comfort. Its about letting them know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Its a most honorable cause.
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