Friday, September 24, 2004

More good news from Iraq...truth defies fiction

Prime Minister Allawi made a historic visit to our country this week. That feat in itself should be held as remarkable and encouraging. It should have been met with applause and appreciation. I wont even begin to address those "naysayers" who derided him and his visit. Personally I believe, we dont need such a careless reaction to such a great accomplishment in history. If this were not an election year, I would bet that the politicos who were so negative would have been jockeying for position in photo ops. Having said that I will now concentrate on the optimism and hope that I and many others hold for the country of Iraq. In spite of the violence, or maybe in defiance I will continue to take the stand that WE WILL NOT ALLOW THE TERRORISTS TO WIN. Period the end. I am not alone in that stance. Far from it. Its interesting to find more and more Iraqi blogs coming up with the same message. Things are better in Iraq and continue to get better. Yes there is violence. But they understand and have lived with violence all of their lives. We in the US have a hard time comprehending this concept. We also dont seem to understand that Iraq for the most part is peaceful and growing. Not all areas are bound to the violence we see everyday on the media. The majority of them are not , but you dont get to see this. There is much hope and belief in the Iraqi people. Many of our servicemen that have returned from Iraq state this same sentiment. Quite a few are dismayed and appalled at the "diet" of the news that we get. On several occasions they have been heard to say," Thats not the Iraq that I experienced." So in honor of these soldiers and the committed Iraqi people , some more good news today from Iraq....
Chrenkoff is a Polish immigrant in the land of Australia. He has been blogging on the state of Iraq for quite some time and has a must read series on the good news. It is an enlightening fact filled journey through matters of importance to the ordinary citizens of this changing country.
In the tenth installment, Chrenkoff covers the topics of attitude, marriage, Iraqi television, education, sports , and economy. And thats just to name a few. Talk radio is a new diversion for the Iraqi people. Of this new option, Chrenkoff says,
After decades of enforced silence, the Iraqis are relishing a chance to speak out. Radio Dijla (Tigris), which went on air in April, continues to go from strength to strength. One of 15 new private radio stations, Dijla is the only one so far to pursue the talk-radio format. It broadcasts for 19 hours a day, and receives 185 calls an hour - more than the station staff can handle - mostly about everyday life's big and small problems.
"Beyond easing the frustrations of daily life, the station provides a chance for Iraqis to talk publicly about politics for the first time in decades. Listeners' calls open a window onto the lives of ordinary Iraqis, whose opinions often go unheard in the frantic pace of bombings, kidnappings and armed uprisings." 'After 35 years of people not being able to say what they wanted, we need something that can translate our feelings,' said Imad al-Sharaa, a news editor at the station."One such program was broadcast June 30, on the day before Saddam first appeared in court. The program director and host, Majid Salim, asked listeners what they wanted to see happen to him. The answer was something of a surprise for Salim. 'Most people wanted him executed,' Salim said."Another time, Salim asked listeners what they thought about the violent insurgency that has railed Iraq. 'We asked them, is it terrorism or is it resistance,' Salim said. 'A very large proportion -- almost 100 percent -- said terrorism. They did not like it'."And on Iraqi TV, the sign that the broadcaster has truly come of age - an aerobics show. Overall, communications throughout Iraq are improving.

If you only take the time to read his tenth installment, you will learn quite a bit.
I have a feeling though, once you read that one , you will want to read more.
Having read Chrenkoff and many other blogs from Iraqi bloggers that live and breath the changes everyday, I dare a certain politician to call them liars or misinterpreters, as he so irresponsibly impugned Prime Minister Allawi.
Thank you Chrenkoff for making this side of the story available to all of us. Its a story that needs to be told and one that should be held in great importance. Together we can work to ensure the success of the Iraqi people, defying those who would rather tout defeat in the face of adversity. In the discord, we WILL find harmony.


At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news begets good news....The last thing we need to focus is the negativity of the Iraqi situation. By being hopeful and postitive the landscape of Iraq will be transformed, literally and figuratively. Keep the good vibe going.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger concerned for us said...

Thank you for caring. We all need to keep the good vibe going. And we will...we must. So spread the word, there is good news.


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