Yes some very good news....
In light of all the mud slinging the last week because of General Petraeus' report, I decided it was time to post again of good things. I am so weary of these things not being noticed by media or those that would like to see us lose. Yeah yeah I know, there are those that are saying at this moment, "What? no one wants to see us lose". Oh please. Cut me a break. There are those that would dance in the streets just to be made right in their own little and yes I mean very little minds. Cindy do you hear me? I was talking about pink people like you. (You know I used to love the color pink, but I have now outlawed it in my household.)
First I will refer to my often read and often cited Iraq the Model. On Tuesday, August 28,2007, Omar reported on the journey his family took across the Anbar Province from their vacation in Syria. I will repeat myself and keep on repeating myself until someone gets it. Reading Iraq the Model should be a requirement for all Senators and Congressmen especially Harry and Nancy. (Psst Cindy if I thought that when you read you would learn anything from it, I might suggest you too but ah...I know better so I won't.) The post from Omar shows a shift in the relative safety and feeling of safety in this region. As he is a much better writer and speaker than I, read his words for the full effect. (scroll for the August 28 post, but read the rest if you havent already.)
Then today I came across this...
Michael Totten is a blogger writing from the streets of Iraq. Personally I tend to believe bloggers that write from the place instead of those who profess to know what is happening from the safe confines of their well tended lives in the US or elsewhere. This is another blog that should be required reading. He doesnt sugar coat or try to make something into what it is not. He shows with pictures and apt description what he is seeing and experiencing. His blog for September 18,2007 is entitled : Anbar Awakens Part II: Hell is Over
Don't take my word for it that it is good news. Go see for yourself. I will bet that you cannot help but be affected by the pictures of the people of that area or of our brave and wonderful soldiers. Go ahead ...I dare you.
You might even come away smiling ...imagine that! Smiling after reading news from Iraq!
There is good news afterall....May God Bless us, everyone of us, but especially Omar and Michael and the beautiful men and women of our military, whom we just don't thank enough.