Here we go again.....
This isnt going to start out as good news...because it isnt.
Today bombs exploded throughout London England. I got the news in dawns early light.
The bile has been growing within me all day. I am angry. I am full of righteous indignation.
I am livid.
We ...yes WE...unilaterally ....all of us ..each and everyone ...comforted in our cocooned existence...whine about the realities of war. Wake up people ...this is war! War of the worst kind. War that follows no ethics...war that is declared on innocent people going about their daily lives, not bothering anyone. War that uses fanatical beliefs as their reasoning. Did I just say that? Reasoning? War that uses cowardice. War that hides behind those whose wills can be so bent that they will take their own lives to kill others. What fails my reasoning is that if this is such a pinacle to behold why is it that the leaders of these groups of animals (they are not human beings in my book) stay well hidden ...why if it is such a holy and reverent thing to do aren't they the first ones leading the suicide bombings? Ah no ....that wouldnt do now would it?
We whine that our own lives might have to sacrifice that cup of Starbucks coffee to support freedom in another part of the world....Those that have no clue as to conditions of life before the Iraq war decry the current conditions. Come out from your big cushy homes and air conditioned cars ...your pampered life ....and see how lucky you are. Sacrifice that morning Starbucks and send the money to make freedom possible for everyone. Sell that big pacific house Oprah you really need it? and feed all the people from the tsunami. (not picking on you Oprah but just caught the rerun with Ricky Martin and couldnt help but think about how many people that Hermes bag could feed. and yet you were offended at the missed opportunity of purchasing it? Come on now offended that people have been shut out of their childrens futures. )Quit the complaining people ...and get off your duffs and do something ..instead of whining...complaining...railing about the injustice of it all. Want to know about injustice? Ask the child whose father will not return home from work tonight because some idiot decided to blow up his transportation.
Start with becoming filled with righteous indignation....lets all join together and scream ....NO MORE.....and then unite in following through no matter what it takes to protect the innocent.
In case you have forgotten, go back and look at the pictures from 911, from the Russian school, from Spain, and now from London. Then look me in the eye and tell me you see justice in any of it.
The good news is ...theres still hope for us all.
God bless us every one....and today ...may God bless the people of England...our prayers are with you.